• 425 Mandava Road, Zvishavane, Zimbabwe
  • +263771780591
  • musumealumni@gmail.com
In Education,Latest News

Chairman’s Report (2020)




Musume High School Alumni Association could be viewed as a byproduct of a WhatsApp group, which the girls of 1982 started as their fun platform. One noble statement after another led the girls to buy a few mattresses as a token of appreciation to our school. Upon visiting the school to deliver the mattresses, it was agreed that our school would benefit more from the participation of as many former students as are willing. An aggressive reach out campaign was initiated. Many joined the group. Ideas floated, and members unanimously agreed to form an association. Very few aspects of our Musume High School Alumni Association started in a conventional way.  As such, please felt free to make necessary changes that made this group a better team.  In February 2018, the debut Executive team was elected into office. The Association was not formed to replace the role of the School Development Committee (SDC) but to focus on helping students to sharpen their academic skills and for purposes of networking.

As we reflect, some highlights are worthy celebrating.  Simultaneously, we can also expose the various challenges/ hurdles that we faced. This transparency is intended to serve as a bouncing board from which our next Executive team can launch a more successful season for the benefit of our Musume community as a whole.

Executive Team Tenure

They say time flies! Our term of service seems to have flown right past our faces.  The term of service was set at two years. February 2020 marked the end of our pioneer Executive term. In terms of our constitution, tenure shall expire after 2 years. That being the case, the current Executive has run its full tenure, and therefore, officially, we are passing on the button. The following members comprise the outgoing Executive Committee in their various capacities:

Mr Normal Shava                                       Chairperson                                     1979

Mr Chris Mahachi                                       Vice Chair                                         1985

Mrs Jane Sithole Siwela                            Secretary                                          1979

Mr Romiel Mutimukulu                            Vice Secretary                                 1985

Mrs Kundai Shumba Marozva                Treasurer                                          1982

Mrs Samukeliso Mtengwa France         Coordinator                                     1982

Mrs Nokuthula Silengane Mujuru         Recruitment and Retention         1985

Patience Chamuka                                     Technical Advisor                           1987

Mrs Dorcas Dube Munakiri                     Fundraising                                       1978

Mr Pilot Dube                                              Market/Social Media                        1975


  1. Formation of the Musume Alumni and the subsequent election of the Executive members (stated above).
  2. Development of the Alumni constitution in which the whole group was participating. Ground rules were also put in place. Membership shall be defined by subscribing a specified fee per annum.
  3. Mobilization of resources to buy new and modern textbooks for each subject area to improve teaching and learning. In the same vein, a family donated several book titles to the school for library reading. All the books were handed over to the school. These actions may have contributed immensely to the pass rate realized by the school in 2019. To assist in ensuring quality education, an Academic sub-committee of the Executive was formed. The sub-committee stands ready to execute its mandate.
  4. Mobilizing funds to purchase cleaning materials (detergents, safety clothing and tools) in order to improve the health environment at the school. This was spearheaded by a sub-committee referred to as Vutsanana led by Mrs Mlambo. It is heartening to note that everything was done above board. Our Treasurer has set a wonderful example of accountability and transparency. On follow up the donation was properly accounted for by the school to a point that a separate storeroom was allocated.
  5. Organizing funds from individuals for academic awards and prizes in the form of money, trophies, and book prizes for 2018 achievements. These were subject discipline related. The ceremony was a resounding success and the school was full of praise for the Alumni. The 2019 prize giving day was postponed due to circumstances beyond the school’s control (cholera outbreak). However, the process of mobilizing awards and prizes had started and specific reports will show that.
  6. Alumni Website. With assistance from our technologically apt members, we were able to create a website for the Association. All members are free to submit articles and any valuable information related to achievements at Musume.
  7. Our Association is under the purview of an oversight Board of Trustees whose function is advisory.


  1. Non-payment of membership fees. We applaud members who consistently paid their annual subs which have gone a long way in financing trips and purchase of requisite materials. It is difficult to enforce subscriptions since our membership is voluntary.
  2. Withdrawal in participating in group initiatives. Some members literally left the group for unknown reasons. They made fundraising difficult.
  3. Delayed communication from the school authorities. This slowed down decision making and subsequently affected the zeal of group members.
  4. The low O and A-Level results especially those for 2018 were a cause of concern. Well and good that tables have turned.
  5. The dilapidated state of classroom and boarding facilities is worrisome. Some matters are really for SDC and the Responsible Authority. The library is nothing to talk about. The computer laboratory lacks modern equipment. The Wi-Fi needs boosting. Grounds are generally in good shape.


  • Need for express responses between the Alumni and School
  • Rapid response to fundraising initiatives by members to realize value due to inflationary pressures
  • Continued mobilization of awards and prizes
  • The school to tour and appreciate what other schools are doing
  • Subscriptions for membership fees to support executive activities.
  • Linking up with the Head of Musume High to second one of the Association members to be the Guest of Honor for the next Prize Giving Day in 2020.
  • Increasing membership through intensive recruitment and retention
  • Application of ICTs for enhanced communication


It is my pleasure to have been elected to lead this Association. Notable is the support I got from the Executive members as well as concerned members in our group. In the midst of all, it is sad that we lost some members and/or family members of the Association members. They shall always be remembered. The same goes to all those who extended condolences in cash and kind. You are a wonderful family. May I urge all to take up the challenges ahead of us to change the face of Musume our beloved school. Together we can. Do not tire in doing good. May God bless you all and the work of the incoming executive team.

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